Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sending good vibes out into the world

The Creative Center recently had a "friendraiser" /fundraiser at University Settlement . Called "Got Art?" artists from all over the country & world are asked to send small 4X6 pieces of art. This years artists were also asked to make jewelry . I decided to do both-(and found myself in trouble deadline wise as a result-word to the wise:leave lots of time if multiple pieces is the way you plan on going)
Shown are my 4X6s-many of which will be in next years show as they did not dry in time due to the humidity we got hit with.
I am putting this series in "Spread The Love" because the works were made with great love and were meant to be sent out into the world to spread good vibes, happiness ,wisdom & healing. All of the pieces are dedicated to my mom, Edith. She has been (along with my dead, Bob) one of my biggest artistic inspirations and it is from her that I get my love of color, design, pattern & love of all sorts of materials.
(photos to come...)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Irish Blessings

With Saint Patrick's Day just 7 days away, I have been researching Irish Blessings.
They are so sweet and simple and comforting:
Wishing you always...
Walls for the wind,
A roof for the rain
And tea beside the fire.
Laughter to cheer you,
Those you love near you,
And all that your heart may desire

Monday, February 14, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

3 days away...

10:30p.m. February 13, 2011
10:30p.m. February 14, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

4 days away...

I have often thought about the statement: "heart of gold". As an artist, I take the words and depict them symbolically, literally and figuratively . In the late 1990's I created a series of projects that combined the heart of gold concept with the idea that cats had 9 lives=the idea of 9 hearts=if you indeed did have a heart of gold I imagined one's heart would get broken and so one would be in need of "spare hearts of gold". While the idea lingered I have not actively worked with it until last night when I threw together the idea pictured above.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

6 days away...

A bit busy? No? Maybe take #2 will be more restrained...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

7 days away...

There's nothing like a little lace to dress up an old fashioned, spelled backwards Valentine.

Monday, February 7, 2011

8 days away...

More sketchbook page Valentines:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

9 days away...

I have a funny feeling this is a photo of a famous artist &, embarrassingly, I do not know who it is. Do you?
Whoever he is, he does seem to have a lot of love in his life!
A random sketchbook page.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

11 days away...

I love artist's sketchbooks. I always put a good amount of work into my sketchbook covers. My dad's book jacket work may explain some of that instinct but I also feel the outer part of the book is a reflection of what is inside. & if I am going to carry a book around with me for any length of time-I want to love what it looks like.
I have also always loved the work of Joseph Cornell-who happened to live here, in Queens, N.Y.
As a result, I have done my share of J.C. inspired boxes and his work is the motivation for some of my collecting / creating/collage/assemblage. Once, his work even worked it's way into one of my sketchbook covers-pictured here with hearts added.

An interior page spread. Have I mentioned that I love postage stamps ?
Postscript: I tried, in vain, to purchase some lunar New Year stamps yesterday. The local P.O. sold out days ago!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

13 days away...

Playing with several of the postcards...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

14 days away...

I have always been fascinated by postcards. I love the images on them, the postage, the lovely handwriting. I love making postcards, sending them & getting them.
My cousin Helen loaned me some postcards & letters, written by family member Albert when he was in France in 1918-1919. They are lovely and I have been wondering if they could somehow be temporarily transformed into Valentines...

Monday, January 31, 2011

15 days away...

Sometimes , simple, wonderful color is the best way to go.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

16 days away...

All you need is:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

17 days away...

sketchbook Valentine

Friday, January 28, 2011

18 days away

In honor of all the snow we've been getting:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

19 days away...

NYC awoke , this morning, to a winter wonderland. Stunning!

P.S. the little hearts say "always" & "love".

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

20 days away

Snow is falling softly , leaving everything looking as if it is covered in fluffy powdered sugar. Magical.
I love snow.

21 days away

A little late but better late than never...
Snail mail love.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

22 days away:

23 days away:

Such a cold and windy day here! Happily, the sun was out for most of the day!


*The photo above was taken last week. An exercise is artist as art, I was looking for a way to make a self portrait fun while blending the line between an artist & their art. As I work most often in cut paper and serigraphy, those 2 mediums seemed perfect for this idea. In the background are a series of silkscreened monoprints that I have been working on for several years now and the cut paper pieces are from silk screen "plates" I make out of cut paper , along with one cut paper spiral.

24 days away:

Here is some visual love for this cold, snowy Saturday. Enjoy your weekend!
I am off to feed the birds some breadcrumbs & then it is off to the city to learn a little about knitting & spend time with family.

Friday, January 21, 2011

25 days away

Valentines Day is 25 days away. Soon, it will be time to spread the love as far & as wide as possible. While love is important every day of the year, on this day there is a focus like no other. Playing around with photo booth yesterday, I began getting ready for this day of love, playing with some images of my favorite symbol of all: the heart.